cpress.cz scrapper

This module is used to download metadata informations from cpress.cz.


Parse title from alternative location if not found where it should be.

Parameters:html_chunk (obj) – HTMLElement containing slice of the page with details.
Returns:Book’s title.
Return type:str

Parse URL from alternative location if not found where it should be.

Parameters:html_chunk (obj) – HTMLElement containing slice of the page with details.
Returns:Book’s URL.
Return type:str

Parse title/name of the book and URL of the book.

Parameters:html_chunk (obj) – HTMLElement containing slice of the page with details.
Returns:(title, url), both as strings.
Return type:tuple

Parse authors of the book.

Parameters:html_chunk (obj) – HTMLElement containing slice of the page with details.
Returns:List of structures.Author objects. Blank if no author found.
Return type:list

Parse price of the book.

Parameters:html_chunk (obj) – HTMLElement containing slice of the page with details.
Returns:Price as string with currency or None if not found.
Return type:str/None
harvester.scrappers.cpress_cz._parse_from_table(html_chunk, what)[source]

Go thru table data in html_chunk and try to locate content of the neighbor cell of the cell containing what.

Returns:Table data or None.
Return type:str

Parse EAN.

Parameters:html_chunk (obj) – HTMLElement containing slice of the page with details.
Returns:EAN as string or None if not found.
Return type:str/None

Parse date.

Parameters:html_chunk (obj) – HTMLElement containing slice of the page with details.
Returns:date as string or None if not found.
Return type:str/None

Parse format.

Parameters:html_chunk (obj) – HTMLElement containing slice of the page with details.
Returns:Format as string or None if not found.
Return type:str/None

Parse description of the book.

Parameters:html_chunk (obj) – HTMLElement containing slice of the page with details.
Returns:Description as string or None if not found.
Return type:str/None

Parse available informations about book from the book details page.

Parameters:html_chunk (obj) – HTMLElement containing slice of the page with details.
Returns:structures.Publication instance with book details.
Return type:obj

Get list of publication offered by cpress.cz.

Returns:List of Publication objects.
Return type:list

Perform basic selftest.

Returns:When everything is ok.
Return type:True
Raises:AssertionError – When there is some problem.