Source code for harvester.scrappers.zonerpress_cz

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Interpreter version: python 2.7
Module for parsing informations from ``.
# Imports =====================================================================
import httpkie
import dhtmlparser

from .. import utils
from ..__init__ import Publication, Author

import zonerpress_api as zapi

# Variables ===================================================================
BOOKS_URL = BASE_URL + "/knihy/?pageindex="
EBOOKS_URL = BASE_URL + "/elektronicke-knihy/?pageindex="
OTHER_PUBLISHERS_URL = BASE_URL + "/knihy-jinych-vydavatelu/?pageindex="

DOWNER = httpkie.Downloader()

# Functions & objects =========================================================
[docs]def _get_max_page(dom): """ Try to guess how much pages are in book listing. Args: dom (obj): HTMLElement container of the page with book list. Returns: int: Number of pages for given category. """ div = dom.find("div", {"class": "razeniKnihListovani"}) if not div: return 1 # isolate only page numbers from links links = div[0].find("a") max_page = filter( lambda x: "href" in x.params and "pageindex=" in x.params["href"], links ) max_page = map( lambda x: x.params["href"].split("pageindex=")[-1], max_page ) max_page = filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), max_page) max_page = map(lambda x: int(x), max_page) if not max_page: return 1 return max(max_page)
[docs]def _strip_content(el): """ Call ``.getContent()`` method of the `el` and strip whitespaces. Return ``None`` if content is ``-``. Args: el (obj): HTMLElement instance. Returns: str/None: Clean string. """ content = el.getContent().strip() if content == "-": return None return content
[docs]def _parse_authors(authors): """ Parse informations about authors of the book. Args: dom (obj): HTMLElement containing slice of the page with details. Returns: list: List of :class:`.Author` objects. Blank if no author \ found. """ link = authors.find("a") link = link[0].params.get("href") if link else None author_list = _strip_content(authors) if "(" in author_list: author_list = author_list.split("(")[0] if not author_list.strip(): return [] return map( lambda author: Author(author.strip(), link), author_list.strip().split(",") )
[docs]def _process_book(link): """ Download and parse available informations about book from the publishers webpages. Args: link (str): URL of the book at the publishers webpages. Returns: obj: :class:`.Publication` instance with book details. """ # download and parse book info data = dom = dhtmlparser.parseString( utils.handle_encodnig(data) ) dhtmlparser.makeDoubleLinked(dom) # some books are without price in expected elements, this will try to get # it from elsewhere price = None try: price = _strip_content(zapi.get_price(dom)) except UserWarning: price = dom.find("p", {"class": "vaseCena"}) if price: price = price[0].getContent().replace(" ", " ") price = filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), price.strip()) if price: price = price[0] + "kč" else: price = "-1" else: price = "-1" # required informations pub = Publication( title=_strip_content(zapi.get_title(dom)), authors=_parse_authors(zapi.get_author(dom)), price=price, publisher=_strip_content(zapi.get_publisher(dom)) ) # optional informations pub.optionals.URL = link pub.optionals.pages = _strip_content(zapi.get_pages(dom)) pub.optionals.pub_date = _strip_content(zapi.get_pub_date(dom)) pub.optionals.ISBN = _strip_content(zapi.get_ISBN(dom)) pub.optionals.binding = _strip_content(zapi.get_binding(dom)) # post checks if pub.title.startswith("E-kniha:"): pub.title = pub.title.replace("E-kniha:", "", 1).strip() pub.optionals.is_ebook = True if pub.optionals.ISBN: if " " in pub.optionals.ISBN: pub.optionals.ISBN = pub.optionals.ISBN.split(" ")[0] if "(" in pub.optionals.ISBN: pub.optionals.ISBN = pub.optionals.ISBN.split("(")[0] return pub
[docs]def get_publications(): """ Get list of publication offered by Returns: list: List of :class:`structures.Publication` objects. """ books = [] for link in get_book_links(LINKS): books.append( _process_book(link) ) return books
[docs]def self_test(): """ Perform basic selftest. Returns: True: When everything is ok. Raises: AssertionError: When there is some problem. """ zapi.test_parsers() return utils.self_test_idiom(get_publications)