Source code for harvester.settings

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module is containing all necessary global variables for the package.

Module also has the ability to read user-defined data from two paths:

- ``/etc/_SETTINGS_PATH``

See :attr:`._SETTINGS_PATH` for details.

    If the first path is found, other is ignored.

Example of the configuration file (``$HOME/edeposit/harvester.json``)::

        "USE_DUP_FILTER": false,
        "USE_ALEPH_FILTER": false

import json
import os
import os.path

# Module configuration ========================================================

#: Use duplication filter.

#: Use Aleph filter.

#: Consider records from Aleph matching only when the authors are matching?

#: Cache for the deduplicator.
DUP_FILTER_FILE = "~/.edeposit_harvester_cache.json"

# User configuration reader (don't edit this ==================================
_ALLOWED = [str, int, float]

_SETTINGS_PATH = "/edeposit/harvester.json"
Path which is appended to default search paths (``$HOME`` and ``/etc``).

    It has to start with ``/``. Variable is **appended** to the default search
    paths, so this doesn't mean, that the path is absolute!

[docs]def get_all_constants(): """ Get list of all uppercase, non-private globals (doesn't start with ``_``). Returns: list: Uppercase names defined in `globals()` (variables from this \ module). """ return filter( lambda key: key.upper() == key and type(globals()[key]) in _ALLOWED, filter( # filter _PRIVATE variables lambda x: not x.startswith("_"), globals() ) )
[docs]def substitute_globals(config_dict): """ Set global variables to values defined in `config_dict`. Args: config_dict (dict): dictionary with data, which are used to set \ `globals`. Note: `config_dict` have to be dictionary, or it is ignored. Also all variables, that are not already in globals, or are not types defined in :attr:`_ALLOWED` (str, int, float) or starts with ``_`` are silently ignored. """ constants = get_all_constants() if type(config_dict) != dict: return for key in config_dict: if key in constants and type(config_dict[key]) in _ALLOWED: globals()[key] = config_dict[key] # try to read data from configuration paths ($HOME/_SETTINGS_PATH, # /etc/_SETTINGS_PATH)
if "HOME" in os.environ and os.path.exists(os.environ["HOME"] + _SETTINGS_PATH): with open(os.environ["HOME"] + _SETTINGS_PATH) as f: substitute_globals(json.loads( elif os.path.exists("/etc" + _SETTINGS_PATH): with open("/etc" + _SETTINGS_PATH) as f: substitute_globals(json.loads( # replace ~ with the name of the user's home directory DUP_FILTER_FILE = os.path.expanduser(DUP_FILTER_FILE)